Q# Reasoning
3 I chose E because I thought @Override notation was mandatory, turns out its not
6 “similar” + “today” becomes “sdimilartoday, leading to false positive
9 Calculating random numbers should look like: int random_int = (int)Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);, so here I needed to add the 2, to account for that min. 2 = 1*2
18 404/10 = 40 –> 40 * 10 = 400 –> 400 + 1 –> 401
25 Iteration 0: +4; Iteration 1: +3; Iteration 2: +2; Iteration 3: +1; count=10
26 Pass by value // Pass by reference // In-class discussion covered this question
27 Only completed sort halfway at the point when j=2
28 executes for < data.length=6 for assign to temp, k=j+1; Answer B?
30 II only, basic IF statement, just walk yourself through it
31 Should be D, just walk through iterations carefully
32 A doesn’t use the method correctly, C doesnt use getMajor(), D cannot be used because enhanced for loop, E does not call method correctly.
34 Answer is D, again walk through iterations carefully and look at conditiional answers
35 while 0 <= 7; int mid = (7)/2 {3}; if 8 < data[3] {4} XXX; if 8 > data[3] {4}; start= 3+1; so now we are at 5 which is the answer
36 2000/2=1000; 1000/2 = 500 [2]; 500/2; 250/2; 125/2; 62/2; 31/2=15; 15/2; 7/2; 3/2; 1/2 LAST (11);
37 II and III, first one substracts k and 1 for some reason from the words.length index
38 numVals is nums.length, checking for v in nums, return k (count) if length is 1 of dataset,
39 Walk through iteration, first like will be Alex Bob Carl with second line being Alex Alex Alex, keep in mind that it is System.out.print rather than System.out.println