All sorts can be executed with (5000) random integers, 12 times with one simple menu option

Final Data:

Sort Bubble Insertion Merge Selection
Complexity O(n^2) O(n) O(nLogn) O(n^2)
Average Random 2499 2485 2502 2506
Total Nanoseconds 1318255200 295881400 31078100 212811900
Total Seconds 1.3182552 0.2958814 0.0310781 0.2128119

Conclusion: Clearly it can be seen that the average random number was about the same for all sorts, so most likely no worried there. All sorts EXCEPT for Bubble and Merge seemed to take around ~30 seconds. Bubble going for 1.3182552 seconds and Merge going for 0.0310781 seconds. Merge sort was one of the more complex sort implementations, but seemed to yield the most promising results. While my implementation utilized a multitude of variables and methods, it can be cleaned up to become slightly more efficient. Merge outpreformed the next fastest sort by about ~0.2648033 seconds. Even when looking at big O complexity, it seems that in the worst case scenario the merge sort will be faster. With the current data, it can be reasonably assumed that Merge sort is the best approach to tasks similar to the ones assigned in this tech talk. I will share my results with my study group next class to check if my data is an outlier, or if multiple people reached the same conclusion with their work.

Program Output:

Average random: 2499
Total Nanoseconds: 1318255200
Total Seconds: 1.3182552
Average random: 2485
Total Nanoseconds: 295881400
Total Seconds: 0.2958814
Average random: 2502
Total Nanoseconds: 31078100
Total Seconds: 0.0310781
Average random: 2506
Total Nanoseconds: 212811900
Total Seconds: 0.2128119